Unlock the Value of AIwith Lantern

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Adopting AI CreatesNew Value for Organizations

Imagine a future where your business thrives, customers are delighted, and operations run seamlessly.

With AI, this future is within reach, transforming data into actionable insights and personalized experiences.

Lantern’s full range of AI services helps you explore, plan, implement, scale and realize AI value.  By meeting you where you are in your AI journey, we help you maximize the value of your Microsoft investments.

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The ROI of AI

IDC's Business Value of AI Survey provides unique insights into the business value of Artificial Intelligence.
For every $1 invested, $3.5 in return
Of AI deployments are taking 12 months or less
Months on average for organizations to realize return
Case Study
How AI is Transforming Safety at Unifi​
A groundbreaking AI-powered safety and analytics platform enabled Unifi to identify, assess, and prevent the likelihood of safety risks before they occur.​
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Case Study
Leading the Charge in AI-Driven Healthcare
Through a strategic collaboration, we empowered a leading academic life sciences university to integrate generative AI, streamlining data management and improving clinical outcomes.
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Ready to LeadIn the Era of AI?

Take the first step toward a brighter, smarter future. Partner with Lantern and watch your business soar to new heights with the power of AI.

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