Digital Empathy: Harnessing AI to Craft the Perfect Message

A leading greeting card company, taking its first steps into AI, recognized the potential to revolutionize personalization in their industry. They partnered with Lantern to explore how AI could create truly unique cards that resonate with customers on a deeper level.

In a 7-week technical proof of concept, our team developed an AI system using Azure technologies and generative AI. This system mimicked a helpful store assistant, interpreting emotions in images and crafting personalized messages.

The project generated over 500 unique cards, with 86% user approval, demonstrating AI’s potential in the creative process. This initial success not only validated the concept but also inspired new ideas for future card designs. It marks the company’s first significant step in their AI journey, paving the way for more personalized and engaging customer experiences in the greeting card industry.


In an increasingly digital world, the greeting card industry faced a critical juncture. While personalization was becoming the norm in many sectors, the greeting card business still largely relied on mass-produced, one-size-fits-all products. Our client, known for its innovative spirit, recognized this as both a challenge and an opportunity.

The company’s leadership understood that to stay relevant and potentially disrupt the industry, they needed to explore cutting-edge technologies. They envisioned a future where every card could be as unique as the sentiment behind it. However, they were just beginning their AI journey and needed to validate the concept before full-scale implementation.

This led to the inception of an ambitious proof of concept (POC) project. The goal was to test whether AI could bridge the gap between mass production and individual expression, creating cards that truly reflected people’s feelings and experiences. If successful, this POC could lay the groundwork for a revolutionary shift in how greeting cards are created and sold.

By embarking on this project, the company wasn’t just looking to adapt to change – they were aiming to lead it, potentially transforming the entire landscape of the greeting card industry.

Project Overview

With this vision in mind, the company embarked on an ambitious 7-week PoC to test the power of AI for hyper-personalization.

The goal was clear: see if an AI system could act as a virtual store assistant, helping customers find or create the perfect card for any occasion.

The project brought together a diverse team of nearly 100 people, including AI experts, creative writers, and user experience designers. They set out to build a system that could understand emotional contexts, interpret imagery, and craft personalized messages – all while maintaining the company’s distinct brand voice.

The AI Solution

At the heart of the solution was a sophisticated generative AI system built on Azure technologies.

The team leveraged Azure OpenAI for natural language processing, AI Vision for image interpretation, and Azure Cosmos DB for data management. Web apps powered by Azure provided the user interface.

What set this system apart was its ability to go beyond simple object recognition in images. The AI was trained to understand the emotional context of an image to try to inject sympathy into the creation of the card. The solution didn’t just identify objects, but interpreted what those elements might represent in different contexts by looking at color pallets of images in combination with the elements in the image.

Development Process

The development process was a delicate dance between technical capabilities and creative expression.

  • Lantern’s AI engineers worked closely with the client’s creative team to develop prompts that could generate emotionally resonant content while adhering to brand guidelines.
  • There were strict rules about what the AI could and couldn’t say, aiming to create empathy without crossing certain lines or making inappropriate assumptions. This presented a unique challenge in programming emotional intelligence into the AI system.
  • The team adopted an iterative approach, running four rounds of prompt engineering and image analysis refinement. Each iteration provided valuable insights, allowing Lantern to fine-tune the AI’s responses and improve the overall user experience.

Results and Impact

The project produced impressive results.

  • The team created over 500 unique cards.
  • More importantly, user testing showed an 86% approval rate – a strong indicator of the AI’s ability to create meaningful, personalized content. 

The AI demonstrated the ability to capture nuances and emotions, creating cards that truly resonated with people. The team uncovered the potential for AI to enhance emotional communication. 

Beyond the numbers, the project had a profound impact on the company’s creative team. Exposure to AI capabilities sparked new ideas for card designs and concepts, potentially reshaping the company’s entire approach to product development. 

Future Implications

The success of this project opens exciting possibilities for the future of the greeting card industry. The company is exploring ways to scale the AI solution, potentially offering it as an in-store kiosk or online platform for customers.

The vision for the future includes the possibility of customers walking into a store, describing a complex emotion or situation, and having an AI create a perfectly tailored card on the spot. This represents a significant leap forward in personalization and customer experience.


By embracing AI technology, this leading greeting card company has positioned itself at the forefront of personalization in a traditionally human-centric industry. They’ve shown that AI can enhance, rather than replace, the emotional connections that greeting cards facilitate.

The project reaffirmed the company’s belief in the power of personal connection. By combining AI with human creativity, they’re not just selling cards – they’re helping people express themselves in ways they never could before.

As the greeting card industry continues to evolve, this company’s innovative approach serves as a model for how traditional industries can leverage AI to meet changing consumer demands while staying true to their core mission of connecting people through words and images.


Weeks to Deploy POC
Unique Card Designs
User Approval
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