Building a Data-Driven Future: Construction Leader’s 5-Week Journey to Digital Transformation

A leading construction firm, struggling with siloed data and inefficient reporting, embarked on a transformative 5-week journey to revolutionize its data strategy.

Partnering with Lantern, we utilized a lean, envisioning approach to rapidly assess their current state, envision a data-driven future, and create a strategic roadmap. The collaborative process engaged key stakeholders across the organization, uncovering pain points and aspirations.

In just five weeks, stakeholders had aligned and created a single vision with a prioritized list of initiatives, a comprehensive implementation roadmap, and change management materials. This lean approach not only fit within budgetary constraints but also positioned the firm to drive industry-wide innovation through data.

The Challenge

When we began working with our client, effective data management was a critical issue. The company was struggling with fragmented information systems, facing a complex array of siloed data spread across multiple business applications.

This data fragmentation created numerous operational challenges.

  • Without a single source of truth, the firm found it difficult to gain comprehensive views of their projects, hindering effective decision-making and operational efficiency.
  • The lack of data integration also made it increasingly challenging to meet regulatory requirements.

The firm’s leadership recognized an opportunity to leverage data for industry-wide innovation. However, the gap between their current state and this ambitious vision was significant.

They needed a solution to quickly assess their current data landscape, envision a robust data-driven future, and create a clear path forward – all while working within tight time and budget constraints.

The Lean Envisioning Approach

To address these challenges, we guided the organization through a lean envisioning process, compressing months of planning into a focused five-week engagement. Our process centered on three key components:

  1. Envisioning Session: A concentrated workshop with key stakeholders to define the problem, generate ideas, and prioritize initiatives.
  2. Current State Assessment: Targeted interviews with leaders across the organization to understand existing data usage, pain points, and future aspirations.
  3. Roadmap Workshop: A collaborative session to plan implementation phases using the McKinsey 3 Horizon framework.

This approach allowed us to help the firm balance speed with thoroughness, quickly identifying critical areas for improvement without getting bogged down in excessive detail.

The Process in Detail

Envisioning Session

We began with a three-hour workshop involving three key stakeholders responsible for data management.

  • We guided the team in crafting a “How Might We” statement, setting an ambitious yet achievable target for their data transformation.
  • Following this, we facilitated an ideation process, generating and prioritizing potential initiatives for their future data platform.

Envisioning - a method to unite stakeholders to align on an important problem and collaboratively envision an improved future.

Current State Assessment

To broaden perspectives, we conducted interviews with leaders across various business functions.

  • These sessions provided crucial insights into how data was being used, stored, and managed across the organization.
  • Leaders shared their pain points, such as manual data auditing processes and difficulties in preparing responses for regulatory requirements.
  • They also expressed their aspirations for data usage, highlighting potential business value that could be unlocked through improved data management.

Quote from workshop participant identifying an issue they should prioritize in the data pipeline process: "I need to put my time back on billable projects. We need to automate this."

Roadmap Workshop

In a two-hour collaborative workshop, we helped the team develop an implementation roadmap.

  • Using the McKinsey 3 Horizon framework, we categorized initiatives into immediate needs, short-term improvements, and long-term transformational goals.
  • We considered factors such as technical dependencies, business impact, and resource requirements to sequence the initiatives effectively.

Throughout the process, we ensured the firm’s stakeholders were active participants, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to the transformation journey ahead.

Outcomes and Next Steps

Our lean envisioning process yielded several tangible outcomes:

  • A prioritized list of data initiatives
  • A comprehensive implementation roadmap
  • Communication materials for change management

The resulting plan aligned with the firm’s budgetary constraints, making it immediately actionable. It balanced quick wins with longer-term strategic initiatives to maintain momentum and demonstrate value throughout the transformation process.

The communication materials we developed were crucial for preparing the organization for change, equipping leaders with tools to articulate the vision, benefits, and steps of the data transformation to their teams and peers.

With these foundations in place, we positioned the firm to move into the implementation phase, aiming to achieve significant milestones by the end of the calendar year.


In just five weeks, we helped our client progress from grappling with siloed data to having a clear, actionable roadmap for becoming a data-driven organization.

This rapid yet thorough approach not only addressed their immediate challenges but also positioned them to potentially revolutionize their industry through data-driven innovation.

As the firm moves forward with implementation, their experience serves as a compelling example of how a focused, collaborative approach can quickly lay the groundwork for significant digital transformation in the construction sector.

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