Unleashing Potential: Pioneering Promotional Spending Efficiency with Power Pages

Join Little Potato Company (LPC) and Lantern on a groundbreaking expedition, using the strength of Microsoft Power Pages to redefine a Promotional Spend Request (PSR) process. Uncover a journey of collaboration, innovation, and unparalleled efficiency as we work alongside LPC to pioneer a new era in promotional spending efficiency.  


In a world dominated by Excel-based processes, Little Potato Company (LPC) faced inefficiencies, delays, and a lack of real-time visibility in their Promotional Spend Request (PSR) workflow. The existing system, a password-protected Excel form, posed efficiency challenges for both internal and external users, creating an urgent need for change.

The primary aim was clear—to bid farewell to an outdated Excel form, and usher in a new era with the Power Apps Portal (now Power Pages). What began as a solution to streamline the PSR process evolved to include additional features, which enriched the user experience.

Collaborative Engagement

Engaging in a dynamic approach, this project used ideation, design sessions, pair programming, and rigorous unit testing. The collaboration between the Business Intelligence Manager, Business Analyst, and the rest of the team played a pivotal role in bringing the vision to life.

Navigating Challenges

Identifying and managing challenges was a strategic dance. Unavailable features and user resistance were resolved through a series of agile stand-up meetings and stakeholder engagements. This approach allowed us to address challenges quickly and collaboratively, which contributed to successful issue resolution.

Value to Users

For stakeholders, the project symbolized not just a technological shift but a branding and innovation leap. Users experienced a digital transformation that streamlined internal and external process.

The Promotional Spend Request Portal offered a singular source of truth for all users. Efficiency skyrocketed as LPC seamlessly managed and monitored promotional spend requests.


The collaboration between Lantern and LPC’s IT team was a great success. The Power Pages platform exceeded the client’s immediate needs, and the journey continues on with enhancements nestled in a backlog, ready for future exploration.

In the spirit of innovation, and with the guidance of our team at Lantern, Little Potato Company stands out in their industry as a champion of digital and operational transformation. The Power Pages project is not just a chapter but an ongoing narrative, propelling businesses toward a future where technology intertwines with efficiency.

Are you ready to embark on your own digital transformation journey? Explore the possibilities with Power Pages and similar solutions tailored to your unique needs. Join us on this transformative path, where collaboration and technology come together to redefine business processes.


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